Double Standards

Hammad Ahmad 06:57
Spring has just sprung and thousands of parents have geared up for one of the biggest challenges of parenthood. This fight depends on t...Read More
Double Standards Double Standards Reviewed by Hammad Ahmad on 06:57 Rating: 5

Rationality in today's world

Hammad Ahmad 09:49
Like any child filled with patriotic feelings, I always wanted to be a soldier and serve the country. I wanted to fight the country's ...Read More
Rationality in today's world Rationality in today's world Reviewed by Hammad Ahmad on 09:49 Rating: 5


Hammad Ahmad 11:48
Filters are devices used to remove impurities. They remove unwanted materials from an object and they come in several different forms puri...Read More
Filters Filters Reviewed by Hammad Ahmad on 11:48 Rating: 5
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